Caroline Allaire
Manager, Roadside Assistance

Caroline has more than 17 years of experience in customer service and training. She joined the Assistel team in 2019 as Road Assistance Manager. Her recognized experience in team supervision and skills development contributes to optimizing the performance of her team members.

Roadside assistance team
Caroline’s team is on the front line for quickly assisting and comforting customers in emergency situations on the road.
We are effective
From call to call, our team of assistance coordinators is always ready to deal with the various types of requests in a timely manner, with empathy and perceptiveness, regardless of the service. Handling calls effectively is what we do!
In the heat of the action
In the middle of winter, an assistance coordinator received a call from a panicked young mother whose car doors were locked in -20°C weather with her infant son strapped into his car seat in the back of the car. Immediately seizing the urgency of the situation, the assistance coordinator quickly responded by sending a tow truck, which arrived minutes later. During this time, the assistance coordinator stayed on the phone with the mother to reassure her, until the end of the intervention.

Combining our many strengths
We are part of a large team dedicated to the achievement of a single objective: ensuring the well-being of your customers, everywhere and at all times.