Olivier Lépine
Manager, Travel Assistance
Leader | Persevering | Unifying


Travel assistance team
Olivier’s team is responsible for handling all travel assistance files, including emergency care, loss or theft of luggage, trip interruptions and emergency round trips.
We are Versatile
Our teams come from various backgrounds; they speak a combined 12 languages, in addition to being familiar with the cultural differences of many countries. These assets, combined with our empathy and proactivity, allow us to improve the customer experience by ensuring even more facilitating case management.
A testimonial that says it all
While on a beach vacation, an insured’s daughter had to receive emergency care. The family was relieved that they could count on our Travel Assistance service. She provided this feedback: “The people I spoke to were very empathetic and extremely helpful. They guided me step by step through the process. An assistance coordinator even spoke to my taxi driver in Spanish when he brought us to the wrong place when going to the hospital. You have transformed a difficult experience into something profoundly human that has made all the difference for my daughter and me.’’

Combining our many strengths
We are part of a large team dedicated to the achievement of a single objective: ensuring the well-being of your customers, everywhere and at all times.